Saturday, 19 September 2015

Getting strange ¶ characters in MS Word: how to remove them?

This strange ¶ symbol is called pilcrow sign or paragraph sign and this show the end of paragraphs. This is useful to see when you’re formatting and editing e-books and don’t print at all, but could be distracting.
Fortunately, there’s an easy way to remove them.
  1. Click the top menu item Tools->Options
  2. Click View
  3. Look for ‘Formatting Marks’, and uncheck the option ‘All’
  4. Click OK
Or for newer versions…
  1. Click the top menu item ‘Review’
  2. Look for ‘Show Markup’ and click
  3. Look for ‘Formatting’ and uncheck
  1. Click View
  2. Move down to Toolbars and choose Standard, for standard toolbar
  3. You should see a Pilcrow icon on the toolbar that you can click to either show or hide