Comparison between 8085 and 8086 Microprocessors
S.No. | 8085 Microprocessor | 8086 Microprocessor | |
1 | It is a 8 bit microprocessor. | It is a 16 bit microprocessor. | |
2 | It has 16-bit address lines. | It has 20-bit address lines. | |
3 | It has 8-bit data bus. |
| |
4 | It has 5 flags. | It has 9 flags. | |
5 | It does not support pipelining. | It supports pipelining. | |
6 | It does not support memory segmentation. | It supports memory segmentation. | |
7 | The 8085 operates on a 3MHz Clock Speed. | The 8086 operates on 5MHz clock speed. | |
8 | The 8085 microprocessor has 6500 transistors. | The 8086 microprocessor has 129000 transistors. | |
9 | It is accumulator based microprocessor. | It is general register purpose register based microprocessor. | |
10 | It has no minimum or maximum mode. | It has minimum or maximum mode. | |
11 | It has 64KB memory. | It has 1MB memory. | |
12 | It operates on clock cycle with 50% duty cycle. | It operates on clock cycle with 33% duty cycle. | |
13 | In 8085 microprocessor only one processor is being used. | In 8086 microprocessor more than one processor is being used(additional external processor can be used). | |
Comparison between 8085 and Z80 Microprocessors
S.No. | 8085 Microprocessor | Z80 Microprocessor |
1 | Data Lines are MULTIPLEXED | It has no MULTIPLEXED lines |
2 | 74 instructions | 158 Instructions |
3 | Operates at 3 to 5MHz | Operates at 4 to 20 MHz |
4 | It has 5 interrupts | It has two interrupts |
5 | No on board dynamic memory | It has on board logic to refresh Dynamic memory |
6 | It contains no Index register | It has two Index register |
7 | It contains SIM & RIM | It contains no SIM & RIM |
Comparison between 8085 and MC6800 Microprocessors
S.No. | 8085 Microprocessor | MC6800 Microprocessor |
1 | It operates on Clock frequency of 3 to 5 MHz. | It operates at 1 MHz frequency. |
2 | 8085 has no Index register. | It has one index register. |
3 | 8085 has on board clock logic circuit. | No clock logic circuit. |
4 | 8085 has one Accumulator Register. | MC6800 has two Accumulator Registers. |
5 | 8085 has five interrupts. | MC 6800 have two interrupts. |
6 | It has total 674 Instructions. | MC6800 has total 72 instructions. |
Comparison between 8086 and 80386 Microprocessors
S.No. | 8086 Microprocessor | 80386 Microprocessor |
1 | It is a 16 bit microprocessor and it is first 16 bit microprocessor after 8085(8-bit). | It is a 32 bit microprocessor and it is logical extension of the 80236. |
2 | It has pipelined architecture (not highly) and high speed bus interface on single chip. | It is highly pipelined architecture and much faster speed bus than 8086. |
3 | It is upward compatible with 80386.It means all 8086 instructions are followed by 80386. | However, 80386 can support 8086 programming model & can also directly run the programs written for 8086 in virtual mode if VM=1(in protected mode) |
4 | It is housed on a 40 pin DIP package. | The chip of 80836 contains 132 pins. |
5 | It is a built on a HMOS technology. |
The 80386 using High-speed CHMOS III technology. |
6 | No special hardware is equipped for task Switching. | It has a special hardware for task switching. |
7 |
The 8086 operates on a 5MHz. Clock. |
The 80386 operate 33MHz clock frequency maximum. |
8 | The address bus and data bus are multiplexed. | It has separate address and data bus for time saving. |
9 | It has a transistor package density of 29,500 transistors. | Transistor density and complexity further increases 2,75,000. |
10 | It has a total of 117 instructions. | It has total 129 instructions |
11 | It has no mechanism protection, paging. |
The 80386 contains protection mechanism paging which has instruction two support them |
12 | It is operated in one mode only. |
It operate in three modes a)Real b)Virtual c)Protected |
13 | It has only instruction Queue. | It has instruction Queue as well as pre fetch queue. |
14 | In 8086, It is not necessity that all operation are in parallel mode. | 80386 all functional units are not parallel |
15 | 8086 has nine flags. | It contains all nine flags of 8086 but other flags named IOP,NT,RF,VM. |
Comparison between 8086 and 8088 Microprocessors
S.No. | 8086 Microprocessor | 8088 Microprocessor |
1 | The instruction Queue is 6 byte long. |
The instruction Queue is 4 byte long. |
2 | In 8086 memory divides into two banks, up to 1,048,576 bytes. |
The memory in 8088 does not divide in to two banks as 8086. |
3 | The data bus of 8086 is 16-bit wide |
The data bus of 8088 is 8-bit wide. |
4 | It has BHE( bar ) signal on pin no. 34 & there is no SSO(bar) signal. |
It does not has BHE( bar ) signal on pin no. 34 & has only SSO(bar) signal. It has no S7 pin. |
5 | The output signal is used to select memory or I/O at M/IO(bar) but if IO(bar)/M low or logic ‘0’ it selects I/O devices and if IO(bar)/M is high or logic ‘1’it selects memory. | The output signal is used to select memory or I/O at M(bar)/IO but if IO/M(bar) is low or at logic ‘0’,it selects Memory devices and if IO/M(bar) is high or at logic ‘1’it selects I/O. |
6 | It needs one machine cycle to R/W signal if it is at even location otherwise it needs two. |
It needs one machine cycle to R/W signal if it is at even location otherwise it needs two. |
7 | In 8086, all address & data Buses are multiplexed. |
In 8088, address bus, AD7- AD0 buses are multiplexed. |
8 | It needs two IC 74343 for de-multiplexing AD0-AD19. |
It needs one IC 74343 for de-multiplexing AD0-AD7. |
9 | 8086 is available in 3 clock speed 5 MHZ,8MHZ and 10MHZ. |
| |
10 | The I/O voltage level for 8086 is measured at 2.5 mA. | In 8088,the I/O voltage level is measured at 2 mA. | |
11 | It draws maximum suuply current of 360mA. |
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